Course Description
An overview of the concepts and practices associated with occupational safety and health. Topics include, but are not limited to, the history of workplace safety and health, accident causation, investigation, and prevention, related legal topices, workplace violence, employee training, and professional certifications.
Purpose: This course is a study of the problems involved in developing an integrative safety, health and environmental program for an industrial or commercial establishment.
Course Credits: 2
Prerequisites: There are not prerequisites for this course
Student Learning Outcomes
Week 1 LO1: Identify OSHA training requirements that are common across industries LO2: Identify Recommended Practices for Anti-Retaliation Program
Week 2 LO3: Explain the primary reasons behind the passage of the OSH Act. LO4: Define the following terms: fellow servant rule, contributory negligence, and assumption of risk LO5: Explain the three E’s of Safety. LO6: Identify the 5 leading causes of accidental deaths in the United States? LO7: Identify the five leading causes of work injuries by type of accident? LO8: Identify the three leading death rate industries. LO9: Be able to rank the frequency of body part injury from highest to lowest.
Week 3 LO10: Explain the domino theory of accident causation LO11: Explain the role of the safety and health professional regarding drug or alcohol abusers LO12: List the warning signs of clinical depression. LO13: Identify three professional societies in the safety and health field. LO14: Identify three industry leading safety and health certifications.
Week 4 LO15: Define OSHA’s mission and purpose LO16: Identify OSHA’s reporting requirements LO17: Identify three different types of OSHA citations LO18: Identify 5 employer safety responsibilities
Week 5 LO 19: Identify underlying rationale of worker’s compensation as a concept. LO 20: Identify the 5 types of employees who may not be covered by worker’s compensation. LO 21: Identify situations when an accident investigation should be reported. LO 22: Identify the steps for conducting an accident investigation.
Week 6 LO 23: Identify strategies to limit its exposure to product liability lawsuits. LO 24: Identify the 2 purposes of the Consumer Products Safety Act LO 25: Identify the reporting requirements component of the Community Rights To Know Act. LO 26: Identify the steps in conducting an ergonomic job hazard analysis. LO 27: identify the components of a hazard prevention and control program.
Week 7 LO 28: List 5 sources of workplace stress and give an on the job example for each source. LO 29: List the efforts to rid the workplace of all causes of workplace stress. LO 30: Give the specific steps that can be taken by managers to help reduce workplace stress. LO 31: Identify what document can be used as a guide to the OSHA training requirements LO 32: Identify 5 questions that should be asked when evaluating training.
Week 8 LO 31: Define the exclusivity provision of worker’s compensation laws LO 32: Identify practices of crime reduction through environmental design (CRTED). LO 33: Identify the primary causes of conflict on the job