If you’re ready to begin a master’s degree and have a passion for finance, you have a few program choices: namely, an MS in finance or an MBA in finance. You may wonder, however, what the difference is between these graduate finance degrees, apart from their names. We’re going to discuss the key differences between these two popular degrees in the field, including the online finance programs we offer here at The University of Texas Permian Basin, and share some advantages you can enjoy no matter which program you pick. Read on! 

Finance Degree Program Differences 

The MS in finance and MBA in finance are not vastly different degrees but have some distinctive aspects you’ll want to know before applying to ensure they align with your expectations and goals: 

Emphasis of Curriculum 

An MS in finance is laser-focused on finance. It will look at accounting, which is closely connected to finance, as well as management and other business disciplines through a financial lens. 

In general, an MBA will provide a broad foundation in all major areas of business, including accounting, finance, marketing, and management. An MBA in finance includes courses in those topics but places an emphasis on finance. 

Number of Credits and Time to Completion 

Like any master’s degree program, an MS in finance and an MBA in finance can vary in credit requirements and, correspondingly, time to completion. Here’s the breakdown for UT Permian Basin’s online graduate finance programs: 

  • Our MS in finance is a 30-credit program. Many students finish this program in as little as four semesters. 
  • Our MBA in finance ranges from 33 to 42 credits, which offers students greater flexibility but a potentially longer duration. Those who enter the program with a bachelor’s degree in business may be able to complete the program in as little as four semesters. Students with another type of bachelor’s degree must complete the full 42 credit hours.  

Special Distinctions or Features 

Some online finance graduate programs have unique qualities that help them stand out. For example, UT Permian Basin’s MS in finance is among a very small number of Texas university programs of its kind with STEM certification—a quality many employers may value in their candidates’ university credentials. 

The Shared Qualities That Make Our Finance Degrees the Programs of Choice 

Whether you choose an MS in finance or an MBA in finance, if it’s one of UT Permian Basin’s online programs, you can count on optimal quality and convenience, with: 

  • Self-paced learning 
  • 24/7 program access from virtually any location in the world 
  • Dedicated doctoral-level faculty noted for their publications and research 
  • Six start times per year 
  • AACSB accreditation 

Career and Earning Potential for a Master’s Degree in Finance 

Did you know that most of the best-known Fortune 500 CEOs have a finance background? If that’s not inspiration enough for you, consider that a finance degree prepares you for a variety of rewarding professional roles. What’s more, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that master’s degree holders enjoy median earnings 16% higher than individuals with a bachelor’s degree alone and are more likely to be employed than anyone with a lesser degree. 

See potential career paths, courses, requirements, and other details regarding our programs now. 

Ready to apply? Get started! 
