Political science examines the societal, cultural, and psychological elements that collectively impact governance and political systems. With such a richly layered subject, it’s beneficial to divide formal studies into focus areas that enable students to concentrate on those topics corresponding to their personal and professional interests and goals. The University of Texas Permian Basin’s online Bachelor of Arts in Political Science—offered online exclusively at this UT System institution—allows you to tailor your program to one of four optional focus areas. Each has specified courses that give you a fuller picture of one of the following:
- American politics
- Comparative politics
- Policy and public administration
- Energy policy and public administration
Below we’ll look at these areas of focus in more detail and discuss some other benefits of our online BA in political science program.
American Politics
This focus area examines the American political system at the local, state, and national level. Students will investigate the structure, interactions, and roles played by each of the three branches of the U.S. federal government: executive, legislative, and judicial.
Comparative Politics
Broader in scope than the American politics focus area, comparative politics encompasses the systematic examination and comparison of political systems of America and other countries, aiming to highlight both differences and commonalities among nations. This includes a discussion of political theory and other relevant topics.
Policy and Public Administration
In policy administration, governmental and nonprofit entities identify societal concerns and develop policies to address them. Public administration professionals put such policies into practice with an eye toward using the most effective strategies to fulfill the policy objectives. This focus area emphasizes research and delves into political theory.
Energy Policy and Public Administration
Energy policy looks at public policy and public administration from an energy perspective. This focus area touches on contemporary concerns regarding our national energy policy, such as energy production, efficiency, and renewable sources, as well as environmental policy.
Choosing Political Science as Your Educational and Professional Foundation
Our online BA in political science program helps you hone skills that can set you up for success in many fields, or even law school, including:
- Leadership
- Ethical reasoning
- Research
- Communication
See where UTPB’s political science graduates are working, plus potential career paths and salaries.
Seeking a Career as a Political Scientist? You’ll Want to Know These Facts
If you’re aiming to become a political scientist, you’ll need to earn a master’s degree at minimum. Your BA in political science will provide a solid foundation for this graduate education. Political scientist careers are growing at a faster-than-average rate in the U.S., and many professionals who hold the title are earning median salaries in the six figures nationally.
Earn a Degree That Promises Convenience, Flexibility, and Affordability
You don’t have to wait until you finish your online Bachelor of Arts in Political Science to enjoy all its benefits. Our program’s asynchronous online format empowers you to complete your degree from practically anywhere in the world, at your pace. You don’t have to choose between earning a degree and meeting your personal and professional responsibilities; nor do you have to overpay for your degree, as our tuition rates are among the most competitive of any accredited university.
Don’t wait—get more details and apply now!
Note: Focus areas are optional. If you elect to pursue a focus area, it will not appear on your degree or student transcript.