PSYC4306 Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Course Description

Applications of psychological principles to industrial problems such as personnel selection and appraisal employee motivation and satisfaction and the influence of organizations on behavior.

The general goal of this course is to learn of the many work-related issues, concepts, and skills which will prove useful in everyday life, to read research reports and journal articles, and to critique research studies and readings in other courses. 

Course Credits: 3

Prerequisites: PSYC 1301. Prerequisites for this course are junior or senior level standing and completion of The University's general education requirements. Exceptions will be made if the student has completed two of the general-education basic English composition courses and one literature course, and comes prepared and willing to write.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. To analyze critically the lay, Internet, library and "expert" findings regarding this or that drug or drug treatment, and to facilitate your access to Web sites and virtual libraries for new and evolving research and information.
  2. To learn information about the work that industrial/organizational (I/O) psychologists may perform in business and industrial settings.
  3. To better integrate information and data from a variety of sources and to summarize, critically analyze and synthesize that information and those data.
  4. To learn information about the methods I/O psychologists use to answer questions that arise in work environments, such as employee selection, training and assessment.
  5. To achieve a level of research expertise by which one may ask "answerable" questions about issues that arise in work environments.
  6. To gain a broader perspective of the complexity of the issues involved in issues such as leadership, motivation, job satisfaction, work attitudes and employee needs.
  7. To learn of the physical and psychological conditions of work, and of preventing accidents, and reducing stress and drug use.
  8. To gain a deeper understanding of consumer psychology.
  9. To be able to find full-text academic journal articles in the virtual library on topics related to drug research and treatment.
  10. To demonstrate, in writing, knowledge of American Psychological Association documentation style in research papers.