Course Description
For psychology majors only. A capstone course to demonstrate application of research and APA writing skills. Students perform individually designed research under supervision of a Psychology faculty member. If not finished in one semester the student may re-enroll one more semester with the permission of the supervising faculty. Course is not offered in the summer; students must complete course requirements in either the Fall or Spring semesters.
Course Credits: 3
Prerequisites: PSYC1301, PSYC3301, PSYC3304, PSYC3104
Student Learning Outcomes
- Analyze and evaluate controversial issues in experimental psychology
- Integrate and synthesize research in an area of psychology
- Chose and defend one side of a controversial debate issue
- Evaluate other students’ defense of one side of a controversial debate issue
- Demonstrate critical analysis of empirical research
- Demonstrate mastery of information systems by selecting appropriate and scholarly articles for your review
- Identify gaps between psychological science and the media’s portrayal of psychology
- Write a literature review