Course Description
A scientific research study under the supervision of a member of the sociology faculty. The integration of theory and research is emphasized through basic or applied social research. Course required for: Sociology Majors. “Cap Stone” course. Not appropriate for Sociology minors.
Course Credits: 3
Prerequisites: Students in this class must have completed SOCI 3317 and SOCI 4403 and have a senior standing in Sociology.
Student Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- To be able to conduct social research
- To recognize how sociologists define the concept of different social issues and identify the role ideology plays in society.
- To analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic, cultural, and global forces on the creation and perpetuation of society in general and different issues in particular.
- To define the differences between the two macro-sociological paradigms, structuralfunctionalist and social-conflict.
- To recognize the role of multiculturalism and diversity in the U.S. and globally.