Course Description
This is the capstone Course of the business administration degree. Based on environmental analysis, the formulation and implementation of strategic directions with the organization are addressed. Emphasis is placed on integration of decisions at the functional areas.
Course Credits: 3
Prerequisites: As a capstone course it is taken during the last 12 hours of the BBA program and must have completed all lower and upper level business core courses (except ACCT/MNGT 3333 and ECON elective). Approval to register for this course must be granted by the Department Chair.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Students should have an integrated understanding of business and the strategic management process and be able to apply this knowledge as demonstrated in successful recall in examinations.
- Develop analytical skills through successful analysis of complex issues/problems in comprehensive cases—to be able to identify central issues/problems n these cases and present well-supported recommendations for future actions.
- Develop conceptual skills that will enable the student to integrate strategic management in realistic strategic problems in graded discussions with other students.
- To enhance the student understanding of present and future environments within which organizations function as demonstrated in use of strategic tools.
- To develop conceptual skills that enable the student to integrate previously learned aspects of business organizations while completing academic cases.
- To improve the secondary research skills required in gathering and interpreting key environmental data and presenting the findings in case analysis.
- To bridge the gap between the classroom and the business world by developing an understanding of when and how to apply concepts and techniques learned in previous courses