Course Description
Planning, organizing, directing and controlling the promotion function as it relates to the marketing mix; also, stress is placed upon professional selling techniques.
Sales management is a part of the Marketing / Promotions, and is a skill based course about selling and sales administration.
- This course intends to provide students with a comprehensive coverage of contemporary sales management and professional selling in an interesting and challenging manner.
- The most recent sales research and leading personal selling practices are integrated in an effective and organized in a logical sequence from the perspective of a professional salesperson.
- The course will be taught in part using an experiential learning approach. If you have a problem with making mock and real sales presentations outside of class time, you may like to discuss with the instructor. As a part of the class projects, you will be expected to some presentation outside of class time.
Course Credits: 3
Prerequisites: ENGL 1301; COSC 1335 or equivalent
Student Learning Outcomes
- Identify the contributions of personal and professional selling to society, business firms, and customers.
- Identify and distinguish between transaction-focused traditional selling and trust-based relationship selling.
- Identify and recall the sales process as a series of interrelated steps and the importance of sales ethics
- Identify and recall primary types of buyers and discuss their distinguishing characteristics