Course Description
Historical geology is that subdiscipline of Earth Sciences that deals with the origin and evolution of Earth’s atmosphere, continents, oceans, and life. This course will provide the student with the necessary knowledge to understand how Earth was formed about 4.6 billion years ago as well as how Earth is a complex, dynamic planet that is continuously changing in response to different types of internal and external forces.
The course will start by introducing the students to the fundamental information about 1) the origin of the universe, 2) Earth’s structure and composition, and 3) rocks, fossils, and geologic time, followed by a chronological overview of the major geologic and biologic events that took place throughout the 4.6 billion years of Erath’s history.
Course Co-requisite: Geology majors must take GEOL 1102 - Historical Geology Lab to fulfill their degree requirements. Non-Geology majors should check with their academic advisors on whether they need to take the lab or not.
Course Credits: 3
Prerequisites: GEOL 1301, GEOL 1101
Student Learning Outcomes
- Describe the Big Bang model for the evolution of universe.
- Identify and differentiate the three major types of rocks.
- Define the concepts of fossils and fossilization.
- List the major geologic time subdivisions.
- Outline the major geologic and biologic events occurred during each geologic time period.
Additionally, course module-specific learning objectives and outcomes are outlined at the beginning of each module. Students will achieve these goals through a multitude of activities that include watching video explanations and demonstrations, reading textbook chapters, studying lectures files, etc.