Course Description
A comparative and contrastive analysis of the interrelationships of language, culture, and learning in the classroom setting. For the Bilingual Education path, select this course or EDBI 6326.
Course Credits: 3
Prerequisites: Admission to UTPB; admission to graduate studies; in addition to the College of Education requirements, students seeking teacher certification in bilingual education as a part of the Master of Arts in Education/Bilingual/ESL must demonstrate proficiency in Spanish by passing the Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test (BTLPT).
Student Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Gain an understanding of how first and second languages are acquired in natural and in educational settings.
- Gain an understanding of the psychological, sociological, and political factors involved in the acquisition of language(s).
- Gain an understanding of the development of literacy and biliteracy.
- Gain an understanding of language assessment instruments.
- Gain an understanding of the requirements of bilingual and ESL education programs in Texas.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the different theories of language acquisition.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the theories on language development through the school year.
- Demonstrate knowledge of problems (advanced) of English as a second language issues.
- Demonstrate knowledge of problems affecting the education of limited English proficient (LEP) students.
- Gain an understanding of the requirements of TAKS, TEKS, and TExES competencies and objectives related to curriculum and instruction in bilingual/ESL settings.