Course Description
This course offers in-depth analysis and synthesis of contemporary research in problems, theories, and issues in literacy education including representation in literature. Students participate in written responses and oral discussions to demonstrate understanding. Class is conducted in a seminar style where the professor and students jointly investigate the topic of representation in literature and build an appreciation for process writing. What is critical literacy? Who is included in the literature? Who is excluded? How will the educators better assist students to become critically literate? How can educators use theory to guide their practices?
Course Credits: 3
Prerequisites: Admission to graduate studies.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Define critical literacy, including what it is and what it is not.
- Locate and share professional readings on critical literacy.
- Lead discussions on area(s) of critical literacy.
- Plan and present a critical literacy project.
- Demonstrate an understanding of theories of reading and their application to instruction.
This course addresses TEA Reading Specialist Standards II and IV and ILA Reading Specialist Standards 1.1, 1.3, 1.4 and 4.1.