ENGL6372 Rhetoric and Composition

Course Description

This course will cover current theory and practice in the teaching of writing. Focus will be twofold: to study the history of contemporary composition and rhetorical theory in order to consider how competing and complementary methodologies have influenced the evolution of pedagogy in the writing classroom and to discuss the practical application of theory for improving as teachers and writers. Emphasis will be given to preparing reflective teachers of composition. This course is required for all students serving as Graduate Teaching Assistants in English. 

Course Credits: 3

Prerequisites: Bachelor’s degree from accredited institution, undergraduate with 90 hours, or teacher’s permission.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Discuss various theories and practices of teaching writing and apply them to course papers and real-life situations.

2. Adapt a variety of writing pedagogies to the specific context, including the students' educational level and personal characteristics.

3. Demonstrate confidence and familiarity with theories of writing, teaching, and rhetoric and demonstrate confidence with their application in the classroom.

4. Demonstrate the use of the writing process by producing at least 20 pages of writing using prewriting, drafting, revising, and proofreading.

5. Demonstrate a concept of style and voice in writing through the use of choices in sentence structure, word choice, and punctuation, not only for correctness, but also for rhetorical effect.