Course Description
The intent of this course is to survey the works of major importance in the history of children’s literature in England and in North America from 1740s to present. We will analyze these works mainly from a historical perspective.
Course Credits: 3
Prerequisites: None
Student Learning Outcomes:
As a graduate level course, History of Children’s Literature aims to train students to work with the materials of literature with scholarly competence and maturity; to provide students with a knowledge of major periods, movements, and genres in British and American literature; to enhance students’ awareness of the cultural contexts of theoretical and literary works; to provide rhetorical skills in preparation for such professions as teaching, law, publishing and public relations; and to empower students by motivating them to increase the knowledge of their field by their own contribution of original work. These outcomes will be measured by performance in discussion boards both as participants and leaders, journal article reviews, and an original article length essay.