Course Description
Students who successfully complete this course will have experienced exposure to the scholarly discourse on negotiating with religion within the composition classroom. They will have read some key texts in the arguments that inform contemporary scholarship which especially discuss integrating religion into the freshman writing classroom. In addition, students will have considered how that religion, and other controversial topics in the public arena, might inform their own scholarly writing with the production of a conference-worthy paper.
Course Credits: 3
Prerequisites: Good standing in the MA or other graduate course, or special permission from the instructor. Knowledge of Microsoft Word, and Modern Language Association (MLA) style.
Student Learning Outcomes
Target: Students will compose reading, writing and interpretation strategies in order to make appropriate selections from scholarship and different forms of written discourse for a variety of audiences and purposes, and to assess the effectiveness of their products in analyzing scholarship. This will result in a 10-12-page paper with additional Works Cited page(s) and a 250-300-word abstracts that meet academic conference/publication requirements.