“You can’t beat the price and the quality of education that you’re getting from this institution.” 

–Joshua Robles, online MPA graduate   

Joshua Robles knows exactly where he wants to go and how to get there. At the time of our conversation, he had just graduated from UTPB with his online Master of Public Administration (MPA). As the director of billing services for two medical practices in California, Robles has his sights on major career advancement: “I would like to become a hospital administrator one day,” he said. 

Robles pursued his MPA knowing the leadership potential the degree offered and has just been accepted to a doctoral program. He shared with us why UTPB’s online MPA stood out among other programs of its kind and how our online format enabled him to be more productive. 

An Affordable Online MPA Puts Professional Development Within Reach 

The “price of the program and fully online program” made UTPB stand out to Robles, who had already applied and been accepted to an online MPA program at another institution. “Their program was about $45,000 to $52,000. But once I found you guys, I was like, you know what? It’s the same program, same quality of education, but the price was way better.” 

Another appeal of UTPB’s program was the option to choose a focus area, including healthcare or nonprofit. “That was one of the first things I looked at. Since I have all this experience in the healthcare area, I wanted to go into a program where I don’t necessarily have to minor, but I did want to take several classes in nonprofit. The courses that I took related to healthcare: invaluable. I love them.” 

An Online MPA Format With Unequalled Flexibility 

UTPB’s online MPA program was a clear choice for Robles, who liked how it boosted his retention and productivity. “I think I learned more [than in a classroom] in UTPB’s program. I know what works for me. I got my AA degree through our local community college and went physically to that school. My personality is, I don’t like to waste time.” 

Robles, who had previously suffered through time-wasting commutes, found that UTPB’s online program allowed him to meet multiple obligations simultaneously. “I came into the MPA and from the get-go, you know, full-time work and then working with the MPA. The online flexibility — you can’t beat it.” 

How Robles’s MPA Is Elevating His Career and Expanding His Options 

While he wants to stay with his current employer, Robles is eager to move up within the organization, and earning a degree that fills gaps in his expertise is a strong starting point. “I’ve been here for over 17 years, and the one thing I’m lacking [is] the nonprofit side. Eventually I would like to grow within the company, ’cause I’m really happy where I’m at.  

“My background is in the private sector, but I deal with a lot of governmental agencies, a lot of nonprofits, especially in the healthcare arena. There’s a lot of red tape when it comes to governmental anything, including with nonprofits. This MPA kind of opened my mind, and it’s opening my coworkers’ minds, because I’m letting them know, it’s not that [those agencies] don’t want to help us out or expedite things, it’s that they can’t.”

“I took a lot of courses within the healthcare industry through the MPA,” Robles explained. “With marketing and things like that, it does broaden your horizons. It does make you think differently. So with me, since I was private, [the degree] does help with my future goals of entering healthcare in the administration field and my future education goals, too.” 

Making Meaningful, Helpful Connections 

Getting assistance during his UTPB program was never a concern for Robles. “I was able to communicate effectively with my fellow students. If we had any questions, we did our study groups on the side. Everything was either through video chats, text, or e-mail.  

“I met two guys that were super good, and it just kind of worked with our schedules that they were in the same class [with me] for the majority of them. We were in different areas of the U.S., but it was nice to see familiar people within the class, even though it wasn’t in person.” 

These connections helped encourage Robles throughout his program. “[I realized] I have other people that are going through the same thing as I am. And if anything happened, I could reach out to them. The community is there, and since the majority of us are working adults, sometimes we do need that little extra, and they’re more than happy to go above and beyond.” 

Inspiration for Future Online MPA Students 

Robles said that he has already recommended UTPB to his brother, who’s seeking a master’s degree. “I told him UTPB has a great master’s program in MPA. If that’s not your thing, they also have an MBA program.” 

He continued: “What I tell everybody is, if you want to get your education, there’s a way you can do it. Online might be the best choice of your life.” 

Robles concluded with some simple but valuable advice for others who’ll eventually pursue their online MPA with UTPB: “Be organized and you’ll do just fine.”  

Want to know more? See program details, request further information, or apply here!