SOCI4324 Political Sociology

Course Description

Course required for Sociology major and minor. The course is suggested for political science, multidisciplinary study, business administration and public policy students. It is also recommended for business leaders in finance, leadership, public & social policy and administration; and individuals that want to learn about or make a difference in ideology, power, elites, class and politics.

Course Credits: 3

Prerequisites: Introduction to Sociology SOCI_1301.

Student Learning Outcomes

This course will provide a sociological perspective into the understanding of the relationships between political and social structures. Emphasis will be given to the concepts of power, ideology, elites, class and politics. We will study the interface of social, economic, educational, religious and military institutions within these boundaries. The objectives will be to:

  1. Comprehend the structures of power in the political behavioral analyses of political participants: individuals, political parties and interest groups, social classes, ethnic groups, elites and masses, bureaucrats, political and state officials (executive, legislative and judicial); and voluntary associations.
  2. Apply concepts of political sociology when interpreting contemporary socio-political phenomena; and assess globalized perspectives.
  3. Identify issues related to power structures and the distribution of power within the society.