Course Description
A survey of major social, economic, and political developments in the United States from colonization through Reconstruction.
Beginning with the original inhabitants of this nation and the colonization of the New World; History 1301 is a comprehensive overview of our history as a nation. Starting with a review of Western European history before 1600 then continuing with Europeans arriving in the New World, their impact short- and long-term to the Native Americans, we will study our birth as a nation and conclude this section with the evolution of the revolutionary spirit and the American Revolution. The next section is an intensive study of the construction of the United States Constitution and the fight for ratification. The birth of the new nation starts the next section that includes the problems, promises, and compromises of this nation and the long-term consequences that eventually led to the Civil War. The period between the birth of the United States and the Civil War demonstrates the problems remaining after the fight for the ratification of the Constitution. The destruction of the Civil War along with the war's lasting influence is the next section of American history. This course ends with Reconstruction.
Course Credits: 3
Prerequisites: None
Student Learning Outcomes
The underlying goal of the course is an understanding of the historical significance of the events, places, and people introduced in the course and the evolution and current role of the United States in the world by:
- Analyzing the effects of historical, social, political, economic, cultural, and global forces on the area under study.
- Comprehending the origins and evolution of the United States with a focus on the growth of political institutions, the U.S. Constitution, federalism, civil liberties, and civil and human rights.
- Understanding the evolution and current role of the United States in the world.
- Differentiating and analyzing historical evidence and differing points of view.
- Recognizing and applying reasonable criteria for the acceptability of historical evidence and social research.
- Identifying and understanding differences and commonalities within diverse cultures.