MRKT4300 Digital Branding

Course Description

This course builds upon the fundamentals of traditional brand management strategies, in marketing and practices developing and delivering multi-channel digital branding plan. This course will review best practices and trends in digital branding, understanding business models and principles underlying marketing and digital branding campaign with case studies, interactive exercises and semester-long branding project.

Course Credits: 3

PrerequisitesPrerequisites include MRKT3300.

Student Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to: 

  1. Recognize that a brand is one of the most important issues of a firm.
  2. Apply strategic brand management as a business philosophy that maintains that the best way to reach company objectives is by satisfying consumer needs.
  3. Identify the importance of consistency for the development of a brand.
  4. Learn the basic concepts and techniques for strategically managing a brand.
  5. Define branding strategies and make decisions.

By the end of the course, you are expected to have a clear mastery of brand management and to be able to analyze it with a certain degree of creativity and professional marketing skill. You should be able to define successful branding strategies and make and implement action plans based on strategic marketing. In summary, you should improve your marketing capabilities (knowledge, ability, and attitude) to prepare you as a marketing professional, especially on the digital platform.