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Popular Psychology Focuses: Why and Where to Study Them 

Psychology permeates every human endeavor, and its rich field of study boasts many specialties that address psychological matters from varied perspectives. The American Psychological Association (APA) recognizes no fewer than 15 subfields, ranging from the individual to the organizational.  The University of Texas Permian Basin’s online Bachelor of Arts in Psychology program—ranked among U.S. News…

Urban Planning and GIS: Creating Sustainable and Smart Cities 

The city-state Singapore is building a “forest city” where green spaces are prioritized, pedestrian walkways replace roads, vehicles travel exclusively underground, and trash collection is automated. Oslo, Norway, is borrowing methods refined in the oil industry to install water pipes without digging trenches, preserving the land and minimizing traffic problems and disruptions. Charlotte, North Carolina,…

Political Science
How the U.S. Ended Up With a Two-Party System 

You won’t find it enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. While the tripartite structure of our government is outlined by that historic, nation-defining document, no references to political party appear within it. There’s nothing dictating the names or the philosophies of our major political parties, nor how many there should be. Democrats and Republicans rose to…

An Isolated Nation: Why Are Americans So Lonely? 

Have you ever heard of the Hedgehog’s Dilemma?   The Hedgehog’s Dilemma is a metaphor for the challenges of forming intimate relationships with others. On cold winter days, hedgehogs huddle together for warmth. Alas, the sharp quills protecting their soft bodies make it difficult, if not impossible, for the creatures to be near each other without…

The Psychology of Smartphone Addiction 

Smartphone addiction has such a hold on our society that—hey! We see you eyeing that back button. Your attention span may be as short as a golden retriever’s, but you’ll want to stick around, because today we explore the psychology of smartphone addiction.   We’ll also provide some tips and resources to help you break away…

The Evolving Treatment of Students With Disabilities  

Can you believe how much education has evolved over the past couple of centuries? One hundred years ago, schoolteachers were being sued for teaching evolution. People of color were prevented from attending white schools. And corporal punishment was widely accepted at public schools across the nation.   Seriously, it’s been a ride.   Special education has undergone…

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