Business Electives
ECON 4320 - International Trade
8 weeks
An examination of the monetary and real aspects of trade, including foreign exchange rates, balance of payments problems, and the theories concerning the reasons for trade.
FINA 4321 - Intermediate Corporate Finance
8 weeks
Foundational concepts of modern financial management. Emphasizes the role of financial markets in decision-making. Applies models for risk and return to determine cost of capital needed to value long-term investments by the company. Analyzes theory and practice of how corporations choose the optimal mix of long-term financing and how this choice is influenced by taxes, financial distress, and agency problems. Other topics include financial derivatives and their applications in financial management. Course is a continuation of FINA 3320.
MRKT 3307 - Sales Management
8 weeks
Planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the promotion function as it relates to the marketing mix; also, stress is placed upon professional selling techniques.
MRKT 3315 - Consumer Behavior
8 weeks
Concepts of consumer behavior. Emphasis on psychological, sociological, and economic variables and their effects on purchasing behavior.
MRKT 4300 - Digital Branding
8 weeks
This course builds upon the fundamentals of traditional brand management strategies in marketing and practices developing and delivering multi-channel digital branding plans. This course will review best practices and trends in digital branding, understanding business models and principles underlying marketing and digital branding campaigns with case studies, interactive exercises, and semester-long branding projects.
MRKT 4301 - E-Marketing
7 weeks
Exploration of the basic issues and methods of electronic (internet-based) marketing within the general context of electronic commerce. Adaptation of basic marketing logics is emphasized.
MRKT 4302 - E-Commerce
7 weeks
The course aims to focus on e-commerce principles and practice. It covers selling and marketing on the web, content management, mobile commerce, online auctions, legal and ethical issues, and e-commerce security. Online trading, and payments are also discusses in the course. All students are expected to do a comprehensive e-commerce project.
MRKT 4303 - Digital Advertising
8 weeks
Upon completion of the course, students should have an understanding of the fundamentals of digital advertising. This involves primary concepts geared toward launching a successful online advertising campaign. The concepts include: examining the internal and external environment, engaging in effective planning, executing, monitoring, and implementing follow-up procedures for the campaign. The course should also provide some of the tools to manage people more effectively.
MRKT 4304 - Digital Marketing Analytics
8 weeks
This course provides both quantitative and qualitative approaches to understanding consumers’ needs and to measuring the effectiveness of marketing communications and strategies in the digital world from a practitioner’s perspective. Topics include digital marketing concepts, performance measurements, online consumer experience analytics, and improved digital marketing strategies.
MRKT 4305 - Energy Marketing
7 weeks
The course aims to provide students with an introduction to the energy industry. More specifically, the course will provide a fundamental understanding of energy marketing concepts and considerations. Topics include introduction to the oil and gas industry, marketing mix considerations in the oil and gas industry, identification of unique marketing challenges of energy, and analysis of supply and demand (oil and gas).
BUSI 6309 - Global Energy Business
8 weeks
By the end of this course, students will be able to: Evaluate the fundamentals needed to make sound economic, business, and government policy decisions relating to energy industries. Recognize the changing trends of energy markets through economics, mathematical optimization, simulation, and forecasting. Apply historical, institutional, engineering, and technical knowledge of energy production, transportation, and transformation to real-life cases. Utilize models for understanding and managing energy resources in a global environment.
MRKT 4312 - Marketing Management
8 weeks
Emphasis on marketing strategy and tactics using case studies of corporate successes and failures. A prerequisite of this course is MRKT 3300 plus 6 additional hours of marketing and senior standing.
MRKT 4314 - Marketing Research
8 weeks
Behavioral sciences research methods, social process and structure influences upon marketing activities and their integration as a total system of marketing action.
MRKT 4320 - International Marketing
8 weeks
Enterprise, comparative marketing, transport institutions and systems in selected foreign countries and the United States. Emphasizes ethnic and cultural differences in marketing strategy.
MRKT 4322 - Social Media Marketing
8 weeks
This course will be an in-depth study of the social media as marketing tools. It will provide students with a basic understanding of social media networking and its marketing applications. The course will address the needs of the new age economy.
MRKT 4335 - Healthcare Marketing
8 weeks
This course provides an overview of the role of marketing in the healthcare industry. It will examine the methods for designing healthcare systems responsive to patient needs and the promoting and pricing of healthcare services. Issues relating to ethic and social responsibility in the marketing of healthcare services will be studied.
MNGT 4307 - Project Management Elements
8 weeks
This course provides topics that are relevant to different elements of project management using a strategic overview of the essentials in managing a project. Students will analyze various components such as project selection, planning, organizing, and project control, making use of the theories by developing analytical and interpersonal skills that are useful to project management teams.
MNGT 3303 - Introduction to Business Analytics
8 weeks
Topics cover statistical concepts that are essential to understanding and using business analytics techniques. Software packages used include SAS, Excel and more.
MNGT 3309 - Energy Management
8 weeks
Exploration of basic issues in energy management with some focus on marketing, finance, human resources, and accounting issues in energy business. The course also provides basic insights into the history of the energy industry and strategic thrust areas for future growth.
MNGT 3312 - Human Resource Management
8 weeks
This is a study of principles and practices in human resource management systems including such topics as recruiting, selection, training and development, compensation, health and safety, employee and labor relations, human resource research information systems, and workforce planning.
MNGT 3315 - Developing Management Skills
8 weeks
Developing Management Skills is designed to provide students with fundamental management and leadership skills that are needed for personal and managerial effectiveness. Topics that will be discussed include developing self-awareness, managing stress, solving problems analytically, and creatively communicating effectively, gaining power and influence, motivating others, managing conflict, empowering and delegating, building effective teams, and leading positive change.
MNGT 3330 - Organizational Behavior
8 weeks
The purpose of this course is to provide students with a solid understanding of human behavior in organization. Thus, upon the completion of this course, students will possess knowledge and skills in the context of managing human behavior in organizations effectively.
MNGT 3334 - Healthcare MIS
8 weeks
Healthcare Management Information Systems (HMIS) is motivated by a dire need for executives, managers, and professionally trained students who must possess the knowledge and skills that will result in effective planning, design, management, execution, and use of various information systems resources. The HMIS course focuses on training future healthcare leaders, administrators, and managers to go beyond just acquiring the expertise in conceptualizing and defining the precise information they need. In addition, specifically health executives and managers should also be able to plan strategically and build the appropriate healthcare management information technology infrastructure and understand the implementation challenges to transform the way information is used and shared within and outside of their organizations.
MNGT 3350 - Supply Chain Concepts
8 weeks
Satisfy customer needs by reducing time required to design, process, and deliver products. Use appropriate transportation, warehousing, and logistics to lower costs.
MNGT 3370 - Business and Ethics
8 weeks
This is a study of the impact of societal influences and ethical consideration on business decision-making. Special attention is given to business stakeholder relationships and the role of the organization in the community.
MNGT 3380 - Managing Technology
8 weeks
Study of leadership, management, and technology in industry and society. Implications of technology and technological change on business.
MNGT 4320 - International Management
8 weeks
This is a study of administrative philosophies, policies, and practices of international business organizations. The nature of management processes and activities is examined in terms of different social, cultural, political, and economic environments.
MNGT 4331 - Healthcare Management
8 weeks
This course engages students in an overview of the management concepts and issues related to the effective/efficient delivery of services in healthcare organizations (HCOs). Students will be introduced to a wide range of managerial, policy, and other issues that they are likely to encounter in healthcare management. The course prerequisite is not applicable to Master of Public Administration students.
BLAW 4336 - Healthcare Law
8 weeks
A survey of the major laws and regulations impacting health services organizations.